About me
I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Northeastern University. I am co-advised by Rajmohan Rajaraman and Mahsa Derakhshan. I was a master’s student in the MPRI program at Université Paris Cité in France. I did my master’s internship project with Chien-Chung Huang at ENS d’Ulm on a job scheduling problem with bag constraints. Before that, I was an undergraduate computer science student at Sharif University of Technology in Iran. In 2021, I was a research intern at Gustave Eiffel University, working with Vincent Jugé.
I am interested in theoretical computer science and online algorithms. Currently, my focus is on Online Algorithms with Predictions and the Communication Complexity of Graph Algorithms.
In Fall 2024, I am co-organizing NEU Theory Seminar. Write to me with suggestions for speakers!
If you are a bachelor’s or master’s student seeking help with CVs and statements of purpose for PhD applications, feel free to contact me.
My legal name is Elahe Ghasemi, But I go by Andisheh.
Galloping in fast-growth natural merge sorts.
Elahe Ghasemi, Vincent Jugé, and Ghazal Khalighinezhad. (ICALP 2022) pdf. (Algorithmica 2024) pdf.
Entropic weighted rank function.
Mohammad Rashid, Elahe Ghasemi, and Javad B Ebrahimi. (IWCIT 2022) pdf